Friday, August 31, 2012

Tool # 10

Tool # 10

I click on the "iSafe" link, clicked "forgot password" and entered my school email. I was told that my email was not recognized and I needed to register. I would like to see the information in this link but the instructions in 11 tools don't work.

In all virtual classes, students are required to complete an orientation module which includes the SBISD acceptable use policies, copyright and privacy policies, and information on the Child Internet Protection Act. It also includes information on iNACOL standards and netiquette. We ask that all students attend an synchronous discussion prior to beginning class in which we discuss some of these same topics.

In the orientation, there is a student as well as parent survey. Parents are allowed access to the orientation material upon request. 

I really liked the idea in Vicki Davis' blog that we not just start with a website but show the students how we googled the topic and looked through numerous websites to determine which was reliable. Telling our students how we made that decision models appropriate research for them.

Tool #8

I love my iPhone and my personal iPad and I am familiar with downloading apps and syncing the device to the computer. I have set up an iTunes account linked to my school email for my school iPad and have already downloaded a few educational apps like Discovery Education and Shakespeare Pro.

Tool #7 Lesson Plan

Created by Nedone Brantley
Core Subject Area:ENGLISH                 Grade Level:HS
1. Discuss character development-heroes and villains
2. Identify and analyze antagonists and protagonists
3. Create presentations that support definitions antagonists and protagonists
TEKS 110.42. English I
(11) Reading/literary concepts. The student analyzes literary elements for their contributions to meaning in literary texts. TLW…
(C) analyse characters
(H)  understand literary forms and terms such as protagonist, antagonist....appropriate to the selections being read.

I. Introduction to the Topic
To begin this unit, students will take a survey to get their minds tuned to popular Heroes and Villains. 

2. Getting to Know You
a) For a "Getting to Know You" asynchronous discussion, students should answer the following question: "If you could invite a superhero or villain to your house for dinner, who would it be and why?”

b) Each student’s answer must include a link to an All Audience approved movie trailer/ or still image featuring that superhero or villain so everyone in the discussion group has a visual reference.
An example of a Batman movie trailer is below.

3. Discussion Activity
In groups of three or less, in Elluminate, students should work together to fill out “the bare bones” plot diagram that will eventually become a story of what would happen if one of their superheroes or villains were to meet the antagonist or protagonist of “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Jack and the Beanstalk.”

Collaboratively, the group will indicate on the diagram where and how events will take place. An example of the steps of a plot diagram is here  -

4. Group Project and Assessment
Students should then participate in a collaborative project using Powerpoint or Animoto or Photostory in which they will time a .30 to .45 second script for a movie trailer that would advertise the soon to be released feature film of their creative plot. This teaser must not give away the entire story.  Important:  The teaser must clearly define good vs. evil characters.  (The final product should be appropriate for all ages and not be rated over PG.)

Students will help evaluate each presentation by offering critic reviews and recommendations in Google Doc format. Peer reviews and evaluation by rubric will decide the final grade.

Tool #11 Self-Assessing

Students are sometimes too trusting of technology so they need to be trained of how it can be an amazing tool to benefit their education but also a tool to be treated with proper respect.  Just as we would not set them down with a chainsaw and tell them to "experiment", we need to walk them through the beginning steps.  Teach them to detect the dangers, to know to how stay away from it or make the right choices when confronted with it when necessary.

I believe teaching about digital safety and citizenship is crucial so that our students don't fall into the hands of a cyberbully or anyone else with dangerous intentions. 

I believe that helping them learn how to stay safe if crucial so they learn to respect others as they use the internet and communicate across the globe or their classrooms. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tool # 9

Because every students has a netboook, the demand for technology is high. Even our textbook is online! I like the idea of using the webcam or voice recorder to have student explain what they did.

I like all of the options in Thinkfinity, Not only is it great for a single subject, but also for interdisciplinary units. A great way to amp rigor and relevance. Awesome Note Lite is a creative way to take notes based on themes. When using Thinkfinity students can submit answers to activities to the teacher using various media outlets. Students will have to share their notes with classmates on a specific topic like author's background, literary elements addressed, theme, etc.

Sock Puppets is a fun app for digital story telling. It is a Free app that allows students to select backgrounds and add lip synced videos. This is a fun tool to use with literature or when having students teach a specific skill. The stations looks like students maybe contributing in Google docs and copying info into sock puppets so that it may be synced with puppets.

Spell Checker is a free app for iPads/iPods. This is great way to have another pair of eyes double heck your work before submitting. As far as accountability, students should not submit work with any misspelled words. This will look like a writing center where students will have to read what they have submitted and be careful not to solely depend on the spell checker because we all know that it does not catch all errors.

I can see students using iTunes to create a playlist for a novel that we are reading or using iMovie to create a video trailer for a novel/short story turned into a movie.

Tool 7 - Lesson Plan

Tool 6 - Web Tools to promote discussion

SKYPE - I will encourage a synchonous discussion

Google Docs - to respond in writing.

Tool 5 Web 2.0

One of the tools I decided to use was Make Believe Comics. Very creative and easy to use.

Bookr is an excellent tool.  It allows you to create a book with photos but of course the pictures only come from what is available on Flikr.

Tool 4 - Google Docs

I made a document.

I made a form.

Tool 3 - Videos

I love Lord of the Flies. It's a great story and the kids will enjoy the following trailer.

In order to show my students what a finished video using power point would look like, I'll show this video...

 I learned that you have access to many things but yes, you must be aware of copyright and fair use. For instance, I copied and pasted this statement right off the internet:  Anyone who tells you copyright and fair use issues are simple in the United States is either naive, poorly informed, or both. Intellectual property law IS complicated, and conversations about copyright issues tend to leave participants more confused rather than clear about guidelines. Because of this reality, I have tried to make this chapter as brief and concise as possible. Most people “playing with media” do not want to take a semester course or get a degree on copyright, they simply need clear guidelines

Tool 2 Commenting

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


So this wasn't so hard to create but how can I use this blog in my classroom?  I think students will need to create Voki's as a character in a novel and give me a clue as their comprehension of the story.